Denistone Station Upgrade

Project Overview

As part of the Transport Access Program, the upgrade at Denistone Station includes the installation of two new lifts, new canopies, benches, and upgraded platform surfaces, addition of accessible toilets, restoration of the heritage awning, creation of a kiss and ride bay, relocation of bike racks and amenities, and improvements to footpaths, lighting, and wayfinding, all aimed at enhancing accessibility and providing a better experience for public transport users.


CSPM Consulting was engaged by Haslin Constructions to oversee the project Baseline Schedule and manage the preparation of Extension of Time (EOT) claims. This involved various tasks, including monthly program updates, executive dashboard reporting, schedule maintenance, and Earned Value Management to ensure comprehensive project oversight and performance evaluation.


Haslin Constructions


Planning & Scheduling, Project Controls, Risk Management, Delay Analysis & Claims Planning



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